The Mission Of The Episcopal Church


The Mission of the Episcopal Church 

The mission of the Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS, states:

 We are children of God, disciples of Jesus Christ, who feel called to a ministry of transformation through stewardship. We are sojourners who, along with many others, have some sense that it is through an understanding of holistic stewardship and a practice of gratitude and generosity that we will grow spiritually, that we will grow more and more into the likeness of the loving, generous God in whose image we are created. We believe that it is by virtue of our baptism that we are called to this ministry of stewardship.
St. Francis follows this call to focus on our abundance: when we recognize that all we have are gifts from God, we are blessed.  Throughout the year, we celebrate the generous actions of our ministry groups and individuals positively affecting our parish and the larger community, following Jesus and hopefully inspiring others to join in to support our ministries and mission.

A Prayer for Stewardship
Holy God, it is your will that we walk the way Jesus leads. Guide us as we stumble
forward and learn to walk more fully with your son, our Savior.
As we tread your path of service, fill our hearts with grace and gratitude for your abundance; that we may give generously of ourselves in hope and strength for the journey ahead. Amen.