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County And State Ministries
County And State Ministries
ARC of Ventura County
The Arc of Ventura County is committed to securing for all people with developmental disabilities and related conditions, the opportunity to choose and realize their goals of where and how they learn, live, work and play. It also is further committed to reducing the incidences and limiting the consequences of developmental disabilities through education, research, advocacy and the support of families, friends and the community. Through the successful pursuit of quality and justice, The Arc of Ventura County will provide leadership in the field of developmental disabilities, and develop the necessary human and financial resources to attain its goals.
United Thank Offering
The United Thank Offering brings together Episcopalians in: offering daily thanks and prayers as part of our life in Christ; taking the opportunity to put an offering in our United Thank Offering boxes; bringing our offering boxes, envelopes, or checks to our local Episcopal churches on Ingathering Days; and joining our offerings with others to support mission projects at home and around the world.
CROP Walk (Christian Rural Overseas Program)
CROP Hunger Walks seek to help stop hunger and poverty here in our community and around the world, through self-help initiatives. A portion of the funds raised go to programs within Simi Valley. The program continues to play a role in the continuing saga of U.S. Gulf Coast rebuilding, as families still struggle to rebuild their lives post-Katrina. Worldwide, the food security program is assisting marginalized households and communities to ensure access to sufficient food year-round. The effort’s four main areas of focus are food production, food accessibility, food utilization and asset creation.